Leadership Development

Develop your leadership style and transform your company

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We offer a programme aimed at team leads, supervisors or managers who have been newly promoted or maybe are seeking a fresh perspective in their personal development.  The overall aim of this programme is that to be effective a manager needs to understand themselves, their team and also the business. Topics covered includes; emotional intelligence, the practical application of HR & employment law, communication skills, understanding your team, motivation, delegation, managing performance, building resilience in yourself and your team,  understanding your role and where it fits with the business. Contact us to discuss a customised programme.

We offer all HR Services & Training Solutions you need.

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Contact Ria White HR Solutions

Phone: 086 859 3769

About Ria

ria white hr solutionsRia has held senior HR roles in the professional services and pharmaceutical industries as well as providing HR & training services and advice to a wide range of sectors for over 25 years